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Curriculum Overview

Sophia Mundi’s curriculum is holistic, meaningful and human-centred, effectively balancing and developing the whole person. Our goal is to nurture balanced, purposeful, connected and socially aware human beings.

Merging Rudolf Steiner's innovative principles of meaningful learning with the prestigious International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme in Senior Secondary, we offer an education that fosters academic excellence alongside creative, emotional, and social intelligence.

Our curriculum, rich in arts, sciences, humanities and outdoor education, is thoughtfully tailored to resonate with every developmental stage, ensuring that our students don't just learn, but truly thrive.

Committed to shaping well-rounded, globally aware individuals, Sophia Mundi equips students with resilience, creativity and ethical awareness, preparing them to make meaningful contributions to the world.

Sophia Mundi offers an independent, internationally recognised curriculum purposefully aligned with human development. It is designed to meet each student at their developmental phase to optimise learning through recognised stages of emotional and cognitive growth.

Prep – Learning through play

At Sophia Mundi, our Prep program is the first step in a lifelong educational journey. Here, we focus on rich, creative play, sensory exploration, and a deep connection with nature. The early years are a time for imitation, imagination and purposeful play. This stage is critical in building confidence, curiosity, and a love of learning.

Primary – A time for imagination

The primary years are a time for imagination, learning through creative expression and practical achievements.  A rich curriculum delivered through story, art, music, nature science and practical activity awakens and develops the power of imagination in students. During these years a love of learning is fostered, and a solid academic foundation built through experiences infused with meaning and feeling. The wonder and joy of childhood is celebrated and nurtured, while building strong foundations for future success.

Secondary – Developing self-identity – a time for reason

Sophia Mundi offers a broad program of academic, aesthetic, social and physical courses that stimulate and inspire students as they leave childhood and prepare for their future. As students develop a greater ability to weigh and consider issues and situations from varying points of view, we provide an integrated curriculum of mathematics, science, humanities, languages, arts, music and sports; all of which foster independent thinking and personal initiative. The developing adolescent learns the value of strong human connections and powerful artistic expressions as they begin to craft their own sense of self-identity.

Senior Secondary – International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme

The IB learner profile emphasises the development of the whole person, actively cultivating the attributes of our students as inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, courageous, balanced and reflective, to become global citizens with an awareness of their common humanity.

A Sophia Mundi graduate receives a complete and satisfying education and finishes secondary studies with an inquisitive mind, an open demeanour and the confidence that they can contribute meaningfully throughout the 21st century.